Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Taking A Step of Faith

I took a step of faith yesterday.

I have some stage fright issues... always have. And when its been a a group thing, like a Christmas Musical or Choir, its manageable. When its a solo... I start to freak out.

A couple months ago the pastor at my church asked that if anyone wanted to share special music, to speak to him. I wanted to, I planned too... but I didn't. For months I avoided it.

Until this past sunday. I took a step of faith! I know that God has given me a musical talent. I need to be faithful with it and follow His leading... so I talked to Pastor Rocky.

I'm going to be singing a solo at church sometime in the next month or so! I choose to continue to walk in faith, to not let fear overcome me or stop what I feel God is asking me to do.

What is God asking you to do? Will you take a step of faith and trust that HE will guide your through?


  1. Good for you!

    Also, I really love your header image :)

  2. Congrats to you! Nothing ever happens to us if we don't step out in faith. I'm happy you did. You go!

  3. Good good for you! It is easy to let fear overcome us, but faith and fear cannot exist together.

  4. Awesome. I am sure you will do great. God bless!

  5. Blessings for your solo! Be confident and strong and keep HIM in mind :)
